8 Ways That God Can Make a Difference in Your Life Today

Did you know your relationship with God is what defines you out of all your relationships? If you want to grow closer to God and learn how He can make a difference in your life, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over different ways God can show up in your life. You’ll learn how He wants to have a relationship with you. Through daily prayer, meditation, and quiet time, you can grow closer to the Lord.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

1. God Will Help You Through Challenging Days or Situations

Are you working on a difficult task at work? You might be facing a long line at the local government agency and feel frustrated.

Focus on praying and giving the moment to the Lord. Ask Him to help you get through the problem.

Ask God for help when you’re struggling at home or at school. Pray about a specific situation. He will help you get through any challenge.

Learn about truths that will lead you to peace by reading our book, The Relationship. You can find peace even during the most challenging times of your life. 

2. He Will Help You Pray for Family

Do your family or friends have a lot of personal problems right now? If you feel worried or stressed out for them, consider praying for them instead. Pray for colleagues at work who received a bad health report.

You could also pray for people across the globe who face persecution, famine, or war.

God will help you deal with the emotions that come from difficult family situations.

3. God Is Always Working

To experience God and grow closer, you first need a willing and open perspective. You want to be present and open to seeing God work in your life.

A lot of people tend to close themselves off to the idea of God. Some people feel afraid, while others have hardened hearts. Yet, God is all-powerful and all-mighty, always working behind the scenes in your life.

Try to remain confident in the Lord. 

4. God Will Communicate With You

God communicated to people in the Bible through visions, messengers, dreams, and signs.

Remain open and pay attention, looking for His presence in your moment-by-moment.

Sometimes, you’ll meet someone at a gas station who tells you something significant. God works through many people to teach us things. Start to pray and as God to help you hear Him.

5. God Will Surprise You

As people grow closer to God, they begin to feel surprised by different encounters they have. Try to open yourself and begin to listen better.

Listening is another critical element of noticing God in your life. As you pay attention, you will begin to see things differently.

What kind of message do you seem to hear on repeat? Is there something you’re praying for that’s a burden on your heart?

Read the Word of God, and grow in understanding. Ask Him to help you understand and see His presence in your life. You may get surprised by the things that happen.

6. God Will Comfort You With His Word

Jesus withdrew to a quiet place for prayer and sought refuge. Try to make this a priority in your life as well. You should set aside quiet time to spend with God.

Pray for your family, friends, or talk to God during this quiet time of refreshment.

Meditate on God’s word and try to memorize verses. Start small and pick a verse for the day. Think about the verse throughout the day. Ask Holy Spirit to help you understand.

You might put on a sermon online, and the pastor reads out the verse you were reading earlier. Start to notice and listen to the different connections in your daily life.

Make reading God’s word part of your daily routine. Some people will spend time in the morning before they head to work reading the Bible.

Others will try to read His word after work and remain centered in Him. You will begin to grow in discernment.

Write down the memory verse you want to learn and keep returning to it. Think about the verse as you drive to work or wash the dishes. 

Spend time working your way through the different books of the Bible. 

7. God Wants to Hear Your Prayers and Thoughts

A critical element to building a close relationship with God is spending time in prayer. God asks us not to stop praying in His word, and if we have anything we’re anxious about, to not be anxious but to pray.

Prayer is your dialogue with God. Talk to God and be open with Him. He wants to know what’s in your heart and what you struggle with during the day.

8. God Will Teach You and Help You Grow

As you grow in understanding, you will learn about the importance of obedience. You will hear God, listen to Him, meditate on His Word, and spend time in prayer.

As you grow, you will get called to repent of specific sins in your life. God is perfect and holy and hates sin.

So make sure if you sin or fall, to repent and ask for forgiveness right away. You don’t want to get separated from God. Learn how to improve your relationship with God.

God Will Make a Difference in Your Life

We hope this guide on how God will make a difference throughout your day was helpful. God wants to help you moment-by-moment and show you how to live your life. Start to open yourself up to Him.

Are you looking for more faith tips or want to grow? Order our book, The Relationship, and learn more insights on how Jesus spent His time on earth.


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