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Enter Through The Right Gate

Jesus knows that we will hear all sorts of things that contradict His teachings and even deny His deity.

False religions, false prophets, New Age gurus, self-help experts, idols, materialists, and cults were as rampant two thousand years ago as they are today. These things are represented in Matthew 7:13-23 by the “wide gate”

Christ is the narrow gate. We should not be surprised by those who oppose Christ.  While we all are invited to enter through the narrow gate by trusting in Christ, not all will accept the invitation. Be mindful of those who try to turn us away from our relationship with Christ. Those people can be very convincing. However, their fruit will give them away. Are they filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control? Are they bringing glory to God or to themselves? Ask God to reveal insights to you as read Matthew 7:13-23.