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God’s Got This! (Part 2)

As believers in Christ, there is nothing going on in this world, in our lives, that God doesn’t have his finger on.  But how do we embrace His sovereignty in our daily lives and maintain our peace, love, and joy?  The answer is found in 1 Peter. The Apostle wrote this letter between 60 and 64 AD.  He was likely in Rome when he wrote it.  It was sent to five small churches which were scattered throughout towns in what is Northern Turkey today.

It was a tough time for Christians. Nero was emperor, and though he had not yet made it “Government Policy” to use Christians as roman candles, Christians were being terribly persecuted….alienated from families, imprisoned, beaten, stolen from, tortured, and killed.

During this time in Christian history, the Holy Spirit inspired Peter to write this practical letter of encouragement to his fellow believers. Was Peter in denial of what was happening in the world at that time? No! Peter chose to live in God’s reality…in the Truth.  He recognized the world can be tough on Christians.  He knew that God’s reality/Truth means Christian’s can endure anything this world can dish out…without losing their peace, love, and joy that comes from Christ. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all this through Him (Christ) who gives me strength.”

In order to enjoy God’s peace in this world, Peter reminds us that our place is not in this world.

We are strangers in this world…aliens (1 Peter 1:1, 2:11). And how does this world treat strangers and foreigners? Unfortunately, this world usually ignores them, treats them as second-class citizens.  Therefore as strangers, Christians should expect “for a little while to suffer grief in all kinds of trials”. (1 Peter 1:6) The LORD has ordained this because “…your faith of greater value than gold…may be proven genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Christ is revealed” (1 Peter 1:7) So Peter points to this Truth: Christians should expect to have times of suffering, but God will use these seasons to build our faith which is of more value than anything in this world.

During  our difficult times we must remember…God’s Got This!

When we keep our minds and hearts focused on the Truth that God is in complete control, the world’s ways and opinions cannot control or overwhelm us.   When trouble arrives, AND it will on both believer and unbeliever, Christians can still be filled with God’s peace, love, and joy.