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The Meaning of "To Fear God"

What does it mean to “fear the Lord”?  The answer is found in Proverbs 8:13, “To fear the Lord is to hate evil…” That’s it.  Simple.  Easy to remember.  To fear the Lord is to hate evil.  So what is evil?

The Bible says, “Pride and arrogance, evil behavior, perverse speech”, Proverbs 8:13 “haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that race down a wicked track, false witnesses and a troublemaker in the family.” Proverbs 6:16-19  These are evil, and God hates them.  Yes, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10  And wisdom reveals that God hates evil, but loves people.  So, let us fear God by hating what is evil, while loving people.